Maxlife Antifreeze

Maxlife? Coolant/Antifreeze helps extend the life of vehicles by keeping the engine temperature stable in all climates and driving conditions. …

SKU: maxlife-antifreeze Categories: ,


Maxlife? Coolant/Antifreeze helps extend the life of vehicles by keeping the engine temperature stable in all climates and driving conditions. MaxLife provides long-life protection by means of a unique patented formulation with superior anti-corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling chemistry. It protects the cooling system against freezing and over-heating by keeping it clean. MaxLife coolant protects modern vehicles with aluminum engines as well as older engines using cast-iron. MaxLife is the only anti-freeze to contain Alugard Plus, a special additive that allows these coolant chemisty to work together to provice maximum protection. Additional benetifs include recommendation for use in all vehicle makes and models, helps protect against cold weather freeeze-ups and hot weather boil-overs and is compatible with all colors of antifreeze in case of mixing.