Mobil super 2000 5W- 30 syn blend high mileage

Mobil Super? High Mileage 5W-30 uses a combination of synthetic and conventional high quality base oils combined with modern performance additives to …

SKU: mobil-super-2000-5w-30-syn-blend-high-mileage Categories: ,


Mobil Super? High Mileage 5W-30 uses a combination of synthetic and conventional high quality base oils combined with modern performance additives to help provide long engine life and outstanding protection for vehicles with more than 75,000 miles. Mobil Super High Mileage 5W-30 helps prevent leaks and reduce oil consumption. This oil protects against sludge, engine rust and corrosion under severe and low-temperature operating conditions. Pour point depressants and a viscosity index (VI) improver are included, where required, to provide the optimum viscosity and fluidity across a broad range of temperatures. Mobil Super High Mileage 5W-30 contains friction-reducing additives. The American Petroleum Institute (API) classifies this viscosity grade (5W-30) as “Resource Conserving” engine lubricants and meet or exceed ILSAC GF-5 / API SN Plus. Those claims are backward compatible with earlier performance levels such as API SN, SM, SL, and SJ and previous ILSAC categories.