Gotham Supreme Diesel Extended life 50/50 Premix Supreme Diesel antifreeze/coolant is ready to add to your vehicle cooling system, no further dilution is necessary. It is a non-silicate, non-phosphate formulation that contains the initial charge of supplemental coolant additive (SCA) and a minimum of 1200 ppm Nitrite (as NO2). It provides outstanding protection from cavitation erosion/corrosion in water pumps and wet sleeve cylinder liners, as well as excellent overall corrosion protection. In addition, this antifreeze/coolant contains an advanced inhibitor system that provides a wide range of inhibitors which protect all cooling system metals. Together with the glycol base, these inhibitors combined with other additives, give In automobiles, light trucks, SUV?s, vans and other light duty applications, this product will provide a service life in excess of 5 years or 250,000,000 Kilometers. In heavy-duty diesel applications (in which a formal monitoring and maintenance program is in place) it can provide a service life of 500,000 kilometers with the addition of our heavy-duty supplemental coolant additive as needed.
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